Greetings today from WWV, we hope your day is off to an amazing start. Before the class even started I could feel the eagerness to learn and the magnitude of positivity that filled the room. We were ready to meet God! We started our morning off with a hit, a testimony. Minister Lynn Mosley spoke about how her and her brother had not spoken in five years. He became sick, jobless, and betrayed. He soon realized that he needed help and he could not help himself. So, he began to lean on God. As his spiritual journey began God, started the cleaning process and he began to see the man in the mirror. After five years of no communication, he called her on her birthday to tell her about him coming to the Lord. She got the best gift that money could not buy, they will both spend eternity in heaven. Now that's a gift!
Today we got right back on tunnel vision and how important it is to serve and help others achieve their goals.It's a blessing to be a blessing and to take what you have and use it. We are quick to say what we don't have or know how to do. You never know what you have may be what someone else needs. Our lesson today was lead by Minister Greene, she discussed her revelation from reading Grit by Angela Duckworth. She began to explain the Grit value system, basically its the ability to perservere. The fact of knowing something has to be done and I have to do it. Grit's mindset makes it impossible for any rationale, you have to feed the mind with the word of God instead of feeding our emotions and feelings etc. The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor the bread to the wise, nor the riches to the men of understanding, nor the favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all.(ECC 9:11) We discussed West Point Naval Academy, and how intelligent you have to be to even get considered to get in. This academy is very intense, it starts with over 4,000 and by the time of graduation around 300. Grit helps you nurture your seeds in each season of your life.When seeds first grow they die, this too has to happen in our seasons our physical man has to die. Your faith has to increase and you have to remind yourself that no one can beat me being me! Take whatever it is that God gave you to do and thankfully use it. Go through the process and know which season you're in and prioritize. Know that God is with you and you will come out victorious.