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Greetings from WWV, we hope your new year is off to a graceful start. Today we discussed meditation. According to Webster's Dictionary, it means to engage in mental exercise( such as concentration on ones's breathing of repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness. Now, we as Christians think we meditate especially with the definition ending in spiritual awareness. Well I'm sorry to report but, reading the word and even praying is not meditation. Meditation is work, you have to constantly control your thoughts and that's a job all by itself. Next you have to control the urges. You know out of nowhere you have the urge to clean, now it's been dirty for weeks but at this moment it has become top priority. This is just the body settling down and you're now more alert and aware of your surroundings. Last is the soul, you think I got the mind and body handled the soul should just fall in line wrong! The soul is the most important thing, it's the spiritual part of meditation. This is where convictions, insecurities and fears hide. When you're quiet and ready to receive they come in like a flood, taking over the calmness that you're trying to bring. That's why we have to spend all the time we can with God. So,when we decide we don't need meditation in our lives, God allows things to happen to get our attention. He sends things in the natural realm to open up our mind so we can recognize that something is out order. We have train our minds to meditate, it does not some natural. Teach me O Jehovah the way of thy statutes; And I shall keep it unto the end: Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law; Yea I shall observe it with my whole heart. Make me go in the path of my commandments; For therein I do delight. Psalms 119 : 33-35 In order for us to know his way we have to seek him through meditation. It's the stillness that allows God to abide in us. Anytime God is involved in a situation, you have to understand it will be fight. Ask God what scriptures you need to apply to your life, so you will know how to get to a meditating state of mind. Most of all be patient and wait on the Lord, he will renew you!

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By NBOM of Lindale, Texas 2015

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